The Evolution of Stage Cord

Black & White Stage CordOur HERCULES™ 100% Cotton Sash Cord is one of the products that we have been manufacturing the longest. It is a nice soft cord, that is easy on the hands, and knots well. It originates from a time when synthetic fibers did not exist, and so many of the ropes available commercially were manufactured from cotton. As a result of its excellent handling characteristics, it became a favourite for use in theatre and cinema production. In fact, even today we sell a significant amount of our HERCULES™ Cotton Sash Cord into this industry. However, in many cases, this industry requires a black cord. That was the case for one of the production sites we visited back in the 1980’s. The people on site raved about the quality of our cotton sash cord…as they were busily working away to colour it black with permanent marker. Some questioning on our part helped us realize this was a very common practice…it was also exceptionally messy and time-consuming for our customers.

And so was born our black Stage Cord. Our Stage Cord is manufactured from a spun synthetic fiber that has the same soft look and feel as cotton. However, it is a true dark black colour, with the exceptional durability of a synthetic rope. Over the years we have worked with end users to perfect this product line and make it available in a wide range of diameters. We even introduced a white Stage Cord manufactured from the same spun synthetic fiber for situations where a pure white cord is required. We have been told many times that the quality of our Stage Cord far surpasses that of other manufacturers. We are extremely proud of that, and happy to be a part of such an important Canadian industry.